My work is about unlocking potential in organizations that are building a better world.

Lesson 5

Just Start Running

There's a phenomenon called the Bannister Effect. It's named after the first guy who ran a mile in under four minutes. Before he did it in 1954, nobody could do it. After he did it, runners all over the world could do it. So what changed? It wasn't their shoes, their diets, or their training. It was their belief — if Bannister could do it, it was doable. Continue reading

Lesson 7

Aim Unreasonably High

The experts tell us we're more likely to succeed when we set reasonable goals. That's how, they say, we lose weight, learn a new language, or build a new habit. After all, we can't go from sedentary to climbing K2, right? Continue reading

Lesson 38

Dig Somewhere Different

You can't reason your way to a breakthrough. You might imagine you can systematically think your way there. Scan the environment, identify gaps, and voila! A big disruptive idea. A to B to C to breakthrough. Except it almost never works that way. Continue reading

Want to help your people make real change? Let’s start with the unwritten rules.

Bring me in for a dynamic, interactive workshop to uncover the unwritten rules that drive your organization and your industry. Together, we’ll explore how things really work, what leadership really wants, how to make collaboration effective, and what opportunities everybody else is missing.

Your people will learn —

  • What unwritten rules are and where they've been hiding

  • Why unwritten rules are so powerful (and why they crush your written policies)

  • How to use unwritten rules to power innovation and drive real change