Start your big thinking here. Why not? Other people have already paid me to figure this out.
Just Be the Congressman
Some years ago, I was meeting with someone with a bold vision: to build a Chicago high school centered on arts and global leadership. She was passionate, well-connected, and determined to bring a novel approach to education. But prospective funders weren't biting. They said her plan — which included bringing in artists and peacebuilders from around the world — was too ambitious and seemed too risky.
"So what do you think?" she asked.
"Let me tell you a story," I said. "It might seem a bit unrelated at first, but bear with me..."
"Years ago, a charismatic political candidate — well-educated, wealthy, and well-known — asked for my advice. He was running for Congress for a second time and had lost badly in his previous try. When I asked him about the incumbent he was running against, he described him as a good guy who was terrible at constituent services. He said the incumbent’s staff was unresponsive and constituents were complaining about being ignored.
So, I told him, 'Stop campaigning and start being the congressman. Open an office, hold town halls, and help people cut through red tape. Use your campaign funds to actually serve the community you want to represent. Become a known quantity, someone voters appreciate before you ask for their vote.' Did he take my advice? Nope. And he lost even worse the second time.”
I paused, letting the story sink in.
"So, just like the candidate needed to demonstrate his worth to voters," I said, "you need to show people what you’re talking about. Stop selling your dream to funders and start living it. Instead of waiting for millions of dollars to materialize, launch your remarkable programs now. Build a fan base. Let the community and prospective funders experience the magic."
This same principle applies to all of us — entrepreneurs trying to get a new venture off the ground or nonprofits seeking financial support. Don't just talk about what you'll do. Figure out how to be the congressman now.